How you chose to listen to the world

Sitting quietly in front of my computer, there’s so much I can do. The entire world is at my fingertips, I can access anything I want. Hear news from the other side of the world? Learn how to bake brownies? Watch an MMA live stream? Those are just a few clicks away.

I can effectively listen in to the world whenever I want, there’s so much information coming in every single second that no one can keep up. Yet, we all have that ability through the power of the internet.

Having that power can be overwhelming. When faced with so many possible productive uses, we ended up not using it productively. We can’t decide on how to best use that power, so we chose the easiest way out.

Instead of tapping into the power of the internet to learn new skills, we mindlessly scroll through social media updates and funny youtube videos. Our signal-to-noise ratio is horrible, how much useful content are you consuming?

What are you doing with this amazing gift the internet has bestowed upon us? Waste it on mindless entertainment? Are you really satisfied with how you use the internet? If not, you might want to re-examine your relationship with the internet, unless you’re happy continuing your internet habits for the next few years.

If you’re happy with what you learn from the internet, perhaps consider contribuing something back? It doesn’t have to be original, just start giving back as thanks for all you’ve received. Who knows, you might just make somone’s day.

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